BEPS? We Beg to Differ. The Opinion of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity

In the USA, the Center for Freedom and Prosperity recently had very harsh words for the BEPS initiative:

Because the OECD is populated by tax collectors and finance ministers, new rules being drafted through the BEPS initiative are necessarily going to be skewed in their favor. Businesses are given only a token voice, while other interests are not considered at all. Consumers, employees, and everyone that benefits from global economic growth are not able to make their preferences known.”

See the complete press release here and the open letter to Congress here.

Robert Robillard, Ph.D., CPA, CGA, MBA, M.Sc. Econ.
Senior Partner, DRTP Consulting Inc.
514-742-8086; robertrobillard “at”

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Posted by drtp On 22 July 2015