
Canada: APA Report and MAP Report 2014-2015

Available both in English and French, the Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) Report and Advance Pricing Arrangement (APA) Program Report were recently released by the Canada Revenue Agency. These reports are available on DRTP resource page...
Posted by DRTP On 3 September 2015

Constructive Presence: US Resident – Proposed Amendments to Section 937 IRC

New REG-109813-11 [Residence Rules Involving U.S. Possessions] proposes "amendments to the regulations for determining whether an individual is a bona fide resident of a U.S. territory. These proposed amendments affect individuals establishing bona fide residency...
Posted by DRTP On 2 September 2015

La pertinence de l’ARQ remise en cause? Peut-être

La Commission de révision permanente des programmes déclare : "La Commission de révision permanente des programmes recommande au gouvernement d'envisager l'option d'un transfert d'activités au gouvernement fédéral en matière d'administration fiscale. L'enjeu est majeur et...
Posted by DRTP On 1 September 2015

Canada: Spending More on Taxes than Basic Necessities

According to the Fraser Institute: ""Over the past five decades, the tax bill for the average Canadian family has ballooned, and now the amount of money going to taxes is greater than what’s spent on...
Posted by DRTP On 31 August 2015

USA CFC Rules: Are They Worth Their Weight in Taxes?

Short answer: it depends... According to the latest SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Summer 2015: "Foreign-controlled domestic corporations (83,814) made up 1.4 percent of all Federal income tax returns filed by U.S. corporations for...
Posted by DRTP On 27 August 2015