
State Aid: Belgian Tax Rulings Deemed “Illegal”

The European Union recently released the following Communiqué: "State aid: Commission concludes Belgian "Excess Profit" tax scheme illegal; around €700 million to be recovered from 35 multinational companies Brussels, 11 January 2016 The European Commission...
Posted by DRTP On 11 January 2016

The IRS Jumps on the CbC Reporting Bandwagon: REG-109822-15

From the Federal Register (Volume 80, Number 246, Wednesday, December 23, 2015), available here, we read : "DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service 26 CFR Part 1 [REG-109822-15] RIN 1545-BM70 Country-by-Country Reporting AGENCY:...
Posted by DRTP On 23 December 2015

Happy Holidays / Joyeuses Fêtes

On behalf of my colleagues Stéphane, Sandrine, Antonia, and myself, DRTP Consulting would like to wish its readers and clients Happy Holidays. This blog will be back on January 5th, 2016. Robert Robillard, Ph.D., CPA, CGA, MBA,...
Posted by DRTP On 23 December 2015

Cross-border Transactions and Transfer Pricing – Part I

Read the latest piece of Mrs. Sandrine Bourdeau-Primeau, Partner at DRTP consulting (514-294-3655; sandrinebprimeau “at”, on Cross-border Transactions and Transfer Pricing. A Case Study: Sales Operations in Canada - Part I available through the Canadian...
Posted by DRTP On 22 December 2015

UK: Anti-Hybrid Rules for Corporation Tax Released

Very similar to the rules proposed by the OECD, these rules are available here. The coming into force date is set for January 1st, 2017. The HMRC explains: "The measure implements the agreed Organisation for Economic Co-operation...
Posted by DRTP On 14 December 2015